Glossary of Common Nomenclature & Acronyms

APOC – Association of Past Ontario Champions

ASOQC – Association of Seniors Ontario Quartet Champions

BETY – Bulletin Editor of the Year

BHS – Barbershop Harmony Society – our official name with offices in Nashville, Tennessee

BOP – A Manual of By-laws, Operations and Policies of the Ontario District of the Barbershop Harmony Society

BOTY – Barbershopper of the Year – Chapter and/or District

Division – Ontario District is divided into seven geographic sub groupings called Divisions.

DBOD –District Board of Directors – sets policies for and oversees all District activities

DRCJ – District Representative for Contest and Judging

DMT – District Management Team – manages all District activities

H4S – Harmonize for Speech –An official Ontario District Charitable project

HOD – District House of Delegates – governs Ontario District activities

ONTA-FAME – a District initiated fundraiser to financially assist the travel for individual members of choruses and quartets when they represent the Ontario District at International competitions

OQE – Ontario Quartet Event

SCH – Sing Canada Harmony – An official Society and District Charitable project

SCJC – Society Contest and Judging Chairman

SOCAN (Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) – Canadian Licensing authority for use and payment of copyright show fees

SPEBSQSA – original Society name was Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America.  While the original name is still official, the Society is now known as the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS).

STANDING “O” – a program to encourage chapters to place more emphasis on a higher level of musical quality and performance in chapter shows and performances

TOP GUN – a quartet training program for top District quartets in all categories (Collegiate, District and Senior)

YIH – Society’s and District’s Youth in Harmony initiatives

YOUNG GUNS – a quartet training program for collegiate level quartets competing in the prelims and International Collegiate Quartet contests