42 events found.
Ontario District is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84903578251?pwd=aG5BSEpMazQ4Vk02dGI1a1EwdzRkdz09 Meeting ID: 849 0357 8251 Passcode: 247041 --- One tap mobile +17789072071,,84903578251#,,,,*247041# Canada +17806660144,,84903578251#,,,,*247041# Canada --- Dial by your location • +1 778 907 2071 Canada • +1 780 666 0144 Canada • +1 204 272 7920 Canada • +1 438...
Come hear the Toronto Northern Lights and their friends Greet the Spring at Willowdale Baptist Church on April 6! The wonderful parade of quartets will include The Aristocrats, Double Double, Detour, Constructive Criticism, and Northern Pursuit. Tickets $30 (rush seating) available from our site (here) or at the door. Parking at the church or at the...