The Association of Past Ontario Champions
The Association of Past Ontario Champions (APOC) consists of members of quartets that have won the Ontario District Quartet Championship or have qualified to be represent Ontario in the International Convention held each summer.
The organization was founded in 1961 by Greg Backwell and Jim Turner, who had been thinking about for some time. They visualized an organization which would be a bond for all Ontario District Champions and International Quartet Representatives from 1947 onward. After consulting with Ron Williamson, George Shields and Bert Ellis, they decided to move ahead. The Association Of Past Ontario Champions was presented to the board, and made official at the 1961 Spring Convention in London, Ontario.
A new quartet became the first members of the “new” APOC when the Rhythmcounts won the right to go, with the Nighthawks, to the International Contest the following July. Actually they were four of the 59 men, representing 17 quartets (since 1947), who became members that same weekend.
Each year we hold a Pep Rally fund raiser to support current International Representatives with their travel expenses to International Convention cities.
APOC Members Only