Community Spotlight: Jim Glover

Some special magic happened 10 years ago, when Ontario barbershoppers Rick Faulkner and Ted Devonshire visited their local radio station, hoping to get some time on air to promote barbershop in the area. What they didn’t expect was the enthusiastic reception from radio host and Program Director for Northumberland 89.7 FM, Jim Glover. Jim, an avid fan of a cappella music and doo-wop, was looking for ways to support the local music scene. And what began as a short, on-air spot, led to positive response, and quickly became a weekly half-hour feature of barbershop music and conversation.

Now fast friends who share a love for all things a cappella, Rick Faulkner (who sings with the Northumberland Hills chorus in Ontario) and Jim Glover (not a barbershopper, but a true fan) didn’t know each other on that magical day 10 years ago.  But now their partnership as the A Cappella Fellas includes script-writing for the weekly show and curating their library of barbershop music to create a unique program that airs every Thursday morning 9:30-10:00 from the studio in Cobourg Ontario, and is re-broadcast on Sundays. Jim hosts the program; Rick does the research and scripting. Their show is also available for live-streaming on their website  

Jim’s audience has messaged him from many diverse places, including the workday commute in Rochester NY, lunchtime in New Brunswick, and the dinner table in the Philippines (yes, that’s right), which proves that good news travels far.

As the current Ontario District president, it was my privilege to be invited to join the show recently as a guest, and I used the opportunity to present Jim with a plaque on behalf of the District in recognition of the invaluable contribution the A Cappella Fellas have made. Other guests over the years have included Maple Reserve, who came to the studio and performed live, Cruisin, Steve Armstrong, Barry Towner, Chris Arnold, Jordan Travis, Ontario District Presidents, and Society CEO Marty Monson, among others. The Society’s Show Production Manager, Chad Bennett, has appeared twice on the show, following his 2018 meeting with Jim and Rick at a convention. These spotlights, and the opportunity to meet people who are difference-makers in the barbershop world, have been the highlights of the show’s 10 years of music and story.  

As a local station committed to community-building, Northumberland 89.7 welcomes the opportunity to feature local music. Radio airtime is often hard to find, for artists who are new or not mainstream. Jim is a community-builder who is keen to support talent.

In the 10 years of spreading music and fellowship over the air, Rick and Jim have become more than program co-hosts. As the A Cappella Fellas, they are ambassadors of harmony and, as their name suggests, great friends. Jim welcomes the chance to support people with a passion, and Rick adds that meeting Jim has been one of the most important events in his life. Music brings people together. The chance encounter 10 years ago has led to a legacy of magic over the airwaves.

Rick Faulkner is always looking to expand the A Cappella Fellas’ library of contest-calibre barbershop material. If you have music to share, contact Rick! (