Every new year brings excitement and the promise of great things ahead. We make resolutions to help make the promise become reality, and we think back to celebrate the successes of the past year.
There is certainly a lot to celebrate. The last couple of years have marked the beginning of our emergence from the doldrums of covid. How amazing to be back singing together again, holding conventions, hosting chapter shows, re-connecting as a community, and simply rediscovering the joys of our special brand of harmony. We’re on an upward curve (finally), and that’s a great feeling. I want to give special thanks to the District leadership team for their dedication and careful management through tough times. In particular, Dan Locke as District President has guided us skilfully and enthusiastically, spearheading our 75th anniversary and steadfastly guiding our return to singing. He remains as Past President, and so we’ll benefit from his talents in the years ahead. Many thanks to Michael Black, who retires from a number of years on the District Board as EVP, President and Past President, and Dave Smith our District Treasurer, for his many years of dedicated and knowledgeable guidance through difficult fiscal times. Leadership at all levels is worthy of thanks, and I congratulate all the many people in our chapters and the District for their tireless work.
The promise of the year ahead is captured in three goals. The first relates to “Brand Awareness”, which is how we are known and seen in our communities. We want to increase our presence in the broader community, including the other Arts communities. Our second goal is to make our “Value Proposition” clear and strong. This is the way we answer the question “What does the District do for me?” And finally, and perhaps most importantly, is our work in “Chapter Support”, providing more tools to chapters to help support their success. If we can make gains in each of these goal areas, then it will certainly be a year to celebrate! I encourage everyone to make resolutions that help achieve those goals, by coming together, sharing ideas, and participating in our barbershop community events such as conventions and quartetting and education. Harmony is our trademark and we know how powerful it can be when we come together. Our kick-off Ontario barbershop community event is coming up on February 3-4 with the Ontario Harmony Academy in Oakville. All the information is on our website www.ontariosings.com, and we hope to see you there!
I am excited by the promise of the months ahead. There has been huge energy and excitement at our recent events, and I invite everyone to keep the excitement going, as we Build And Grow Together.
Ted Byers
Ontario District President