75th Anniversary Logo Design Contest

Attention all graphic designers, artists and doodlers! The District’s 75th anniversary is coming up next year, and (as you can see) we need the graphic design help to create a logo to visually capture the spirit of the District and this milestone. The creator of the best logo will receive two VIP registrations for the 2021 Ontario District Spring Convention. Submit your best idea in electronic form to 75th@ontariosings.com before September 1, 2020.

Here is a quick creative brief: You have relative freedom with the design, but it should be simple enough to be used on stationary, in print, on pins, clothing, or animated for video use. It can be a four color mark. Be mindful of how it would look in black and white or monochromatically. It should include “75” or “75th Anniversary” as part of the design or design architecture. Make it celebratory and have fun! The winning design will be unveiled at the Fall 2020 Ontario District Convention.