By Waldo Redekop – Ontario District Historian
In the 1969 Ontario District Directory there were 34 chapters listed, although one did not have any information given for it. They were as follows.
Burlington: Pres-Ian Robertson, Sec-Bill Parkin, Dir-Bruce Bonneyman.
Chatham: Pres-Julian Lobbestael, Sec-Elwin Vince, Dir-Mac Fletcher.
East York: Pres- Roy Cunningham, Sec-Jack Haughie, Dir-George Shields.
Etobicoke: Pres-Richard Faulkner, Sec-Arthur Gordon, Dir-Harry Mays.
Fort Erie: Pres-Cliff Watts, Sec-Joe Fairfield, Dir-Bill Taylor.
Georgetown: Pres-Ralph Barton, Sec-Geoff Palk, Dir-Don Gillespie.
Grimsby: Pres-Derry Hails, Sec-Robert Blenkarn, Dir-Nick Coleman.
Guelph: Pres-Gerry Godfrey, Sec-John Asselin and Art Rapp, Dir-Bill Connell.
Hamilton: Pres-Al Scott, Sec-Donald Davey, Dir-Donald Ward.
Hanover: Pres-Charles Blum, Sec-Earle Kennedy, Dir-Bob Smith.
Kingston: Pres-William Lewis, Sec-Gord Clarke, Dir-Don Sexsmith.
Kitchener-Waterloo: Pres-Lorne Brubacher, Sec-Perc Krotz, Dir-Dave Litwiller.
Huronia: No information available.
Lindsay: Pres-Harold Robertson, Sec-Archie MacIntyre, Dir-Robt. Fallis.
Listowel: Pres-Paul Krauter, Sec-Bill Skeldng, Dir-Ron Fallis.
London: Pres-Larry Cole, Sec-Jim Struckett, Dir-Bob Margison.
Markham: Pres-Ross Sutherland, Sec-De Los Mabee, Dir-Dick Pooley.
Metro (Toronto); Pres-Bud Charlton, Sec-Walter Johnson, Dir-George Shields.
Mount Forest (Licensed): Pres-John Laughlin, Sec-Richard Neath, Dir-Howard Pretty.
Oakville: Pres-Dave Carter, Sec-Bill Miles, Dir-Fred Sorrel.
Oshawa: Pres-Harry McKew, Sec-Harry Toenjes, Dir-Lawrence Gauer.
Ottawa: Pres-Russell Hill, Sec-Jerry Hughes, Dir-Robert Walker.
Owen Sound: Pres-J. Draper, Sec-B. Fisher, Dir-K. Marshall.
Peterborough: Pres-Murray Burgess, Sec-Ray Rivers, Dir-Gordon Guse.
St.Catharines: Pres-Ken Wignall, Sec-John Craig, Dir-Robert King.
Sarnia: Pres-Don Bateman, Sec-Bill Adams, Dir-Hank Nienhuis.
Scarborough: Pres-Roger Van De Walle, Sec-Ron Crighton, Dir-Gareth Evans.
St.Thomas Barbershoppers: Pres-Clair Taylor, Sec-Ivan Smith, Dir-Jim Turner.
Simcoe: Pres-William Barber, Sec-G.A. Robinson, Dir-Cliff Whitehead.
Stratford: Pres-J.H. (Art) Dunsmore, Sec-Ron Fuhr, Dir-Murray Parson.
Toronto: Pres-Tom Burns, Sec-Ken Plumb, Dir-Al Davis.
Wingham: Pres-Russell Zurbrigg, Sec-John A. Fischer, Dir-W.B. (Bill) Conron.
Woodstock: Pres-Douglas McClintock, Sec-Earl Baskette, Dir-Peter Hughes.
York North: Pres-Paul Widdifield, Sec-Jim Barber, Dir-Dave McCaffrey.
Coming Events for 1969
April 11-13 – Indian Pow Wow (Spring Convention) at Royal York Hotel, Toronto, hosted by Etobicoke Chapter.
April 15-17 – International H.E.P. School for Ontario, Pioneer and Seneca Land districts at McMaster University, Hamilton.
June 23-28 – International Convention – St. Louis, Missouri.
October 24-26 – Fall Convention, St.Catharines Chapter hosting in Niagara Falls.
The Society had a total of 32,066 members.
Ontario District had 1402 members, an increase of 253 from the previous year, ranking 9th.
Mid-Atlantic District had the most members with 5023.
Total number of chapters was 715.