Leaders from around Ontario upgrade their skills at Leadership Academy

Leaders of barbershop organizations from around the province met in Scarborough, Ontario this past weekend to learn about leadership skills and their positions. 83 members representing choruses in the Barbershop Harmony Society, Sweet Adelines, and Harmony, Inc. were led by a faculty of 14 district leaders over the two days of the event. Attendees took classes and workshops related to membership, web presence, directing, improving vocal inefficiencies, district-supported charities, and other topics relevant to a barbershop chapter.

Newly inaugurated President Andrew Shackleton shared his new theme of “Harmony Is Healing” as part of his keynote address in Friday night. 

Photos of the event are available on our Facebook page.

Resources and presentations from the day can be found at: http://ontariosings.com/ops/leadership-academy-files

Photo by Lee Sperry